S.O.D. "Caravan" by Van Morrison

3/18/2016     Written and composed by Van Morrison, the song appears on the soundtrack, "The Last Waltz."  Martin Scorsese directed this 1978 film that has to do with The Band's last concert before calling it quits in 1976 on Thanksgiving.  In the film, Morrison performs "Caravan" with The Band.  Author and filmmaker Nick Hornby commented that he would like the song to be played at his funeral.  

     During Morrison's residence at a country home in Woodstock, New York, he could sometimes hear a radio as if it was in the same room.  The closest house to his was nearly a mile, so he attributes the radio to rumors of underground passages in that area.  Morrison said that it was a must to reference this in the song.  

     I don't believe I have seen this film yet, but it's probably time. Maybe I'll contact some Sodsters and we can watch it together.  Yes, we can even do what people of that era would be doing while watching the film, which means we should watch it on a Friday night, as an ample recovery time will be needed.