S.O.D. "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder

1/12/2015     Originally this tune was to be a Jeff Beck release.  Wonder liked the idea of a collaboration with Beck, who was fan of Wonder's music.  Many times at this point in his career, Stevie would play all the instruments himself on a composition, but still enjoyed jamming with others, especially guitarists, and welcomed it.  

     When he heard of Beck's interest in his music, the two got together for Wonder's "Talking Book" album.  Beck came up with the drum beat to "Superstition" when it was just a beat and an idea.  The very first demo of the 1972 funk release was created by the superstars.  Aside from Beck's guitar, and two other musicians on trumpet and tenor saxophone, Wonder plays the rest.  This icon is entering his 55th year of greatness.  What disability?