S.O.D. "The Night Chicago Died" by Paper Lace

8/4/2016      The following information might bust some bubbles but the gun fight in the song is fictional.  It's supposed to represent a battle between police and Al Capone's gang on the east side of town.  Well, the knowledge possessed by English songwriters Peter Callander and Mitch Murray regarding Chicago was based on gangster films. Also, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre on which the song is probably based has to do with Capone's men fighting another gang, not the police.  One more factor that's off-base is the fact that there is really no east side of town, just Lake Michigan.  

     Guess what?  The song was a huge success anyway and it hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1974, the year of its release.  It was also a #1 hit in Australia, #2 in Canada and #3 in the UK.  Due to issues with their contract, the group was not allowed to perform it live in the U.S.   Preceding this song was their other major hit "Billy Don't Be a Hero."  

     Paper Lace is still active, in their 49th year and the most successful group that ever came out of Nottingham.