S.O.D. "Homewreck Wifey" by Slothrust

8/12/2016      Some serious uniqueness going on here with every song.  This rock/jazz/blues band has left blues and jazz behind.  There's plenty of punk for you, and some grunge mixed in.  They are in fact so unique that they should have their own genre, maybe Thrust punk.  The trio will keep you wondering what they're going to do next and probably have you buying their CD on the way out the door.

     Consisting of Singer, guitartist, and songwriter Leah Wellbaum, bassist Kyle Bann and drummer Will Gorin, the Brooklyn-based group fit well with each other.  All three members are blues/jazz graduates of Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY.  

     I saw these guys live and there's not really another sound like it. They're either not for you or you won't be able to get enough.