S.O.D. "Proud" by Heather Small

2/18/2016     With a title such as this, you can imagine how much public media attention this 2000 R&B/ Dance Pop tune has received.  Aside from performing it to celebrate Britain's success for a bid in the 2012 Olympics, it became the new theme song for the Oprah Winfrey Show after Small sang the song on the show for her television debut.  A few other entities are now using the tune for their theme including the reality weight-loss show, The Biggest Loser.  An even bigger honor for Miss Small was performing it at the 60th anniversary of VE Day in Trafalgar Square, London.  This  stands for Victory in Europe Day and occurred on May 8 in 1945 when Nazi Germany surrendered to the Allies of World War II, bringing the war in Europe to an end.  

     The song charted in a few countries, ranking at #16 in the UK.  The English soul singer, musician, songwriter and actress has been active since 1986.  While with the group M People, who are still active, they sold over 10 million albums.  Small's unique voice certainly helped them there. She is also involved with many charity groups including the Aiden Cox Foundation which helps young people to fight bullying in the schools, communities and online.