S.O.D. "Love Without Sound" by Delia Derbyshire

1/7/2016       What a discovery here. This woman was extremely ahead of her time as a composer of electronic music. Active from 1958–2001 right up to her death after which 267 reel-to-reel tapes (now in digital format) and right around 1000 pages of written notes and/or music were found in her attic.  

     Born in Coventry, England, as a child she was somewhat of a genius, learning piano at eight years old, teaching fellow classmates to read and write at the age of four and is quoted as saying "The radio was my education."  She worked mainly with the BBC creating music and sound for television & radio  programs that equaled close to 200.  She is most well known for creating the theme music to the television series, Doctor Who which debuted in 1963.

     All I can say is google her and listen to her incredible work. People of that era must have been astounded.