S.O.D. "Soul Man" by Sam & Dave

1/24/2015   You might know the Blues Brothers version of this soul number a little better, associating it with the movie.  It was however the vocal duo of Sam & Dave in 1967 that brought the song to the mainstream.  

     Active from 1961-1981, Sam & Dave were the most accomplished soul duo of their era.  Aside from the awards and accolades, they did something of much more importance, helping to start the process of white audiences saying "yeah, I can dig this sound!"  

     David Porter and Isaac Hayes wrote the song with Hayes being inspired to begin the composition while watching the news in 1967 and the African-American residents of Detroit, MI that had marked the buildings they owned that had not been destroyed during the 12th Street Riot.  The story of Passover from the bible was also employed.