S.O.D. "Sleepwalkers Woman" by Scott Walker
5/15/2016 Who's with me for the love of unorthodox artists? Here is such a man, active since 1958, who has reinvented himself from concentrating on pop in his early years, totally shifting to experimental/avant-garde/art rock over the course of an unusual career. He was the front man for the pop group, The Walker Brothers, from 1964-1967, who were a musical trio of which none were originally named Walker.
Scott was born, Noel Scott Engel. As a teenager he was always well dressed, fascinated with European cinema and Beat poets, and played bass guitar well enough to get session work while living in Los Angeles. At one point, during his time with The Walker Brothers, their fan club became larger than The Beatles. After this he began his solo career becoming more interesting and complex as the years went on. In 2006 Walker was awarded the Mojo Icon Award which is bestowed on an artist with an exceptional career on a global scale. Also in 2006 the documentary film, "Scott Walker: 30 Century Man" was released. This song is amazing and haunting. Enjoy!!!!