S.O.D. "Seek & Destroy" by Metallica

2/5/2015     You know the saying "Don't Drink and Drive!!"  Well use this heavy metal tune for your personal listening pleasure.  Do Not, I repeat, Do Not Seek and Destroy unless of course someone has stolen your toys.  

     The 1983 hit song was inspired by parts of the Saxon song, "Princess of the Night" and "Dead Reckoning" by Diamond Head.  It has been covered by close to 30 artists and has been featured at a few sporting events as theme songs for teams and athletes.  After 9/11, the song was deemed inappropriate by Clear Channel.  

     Metallica has been rocking since 1981 and have 4 members and 4 past members.  That could possibly be a record that will probably not be broken.

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