S.O.D. "Louie Louie" by The Kingsmen

1/23/2015     So many versions of this R&B classic have been made that it has become impossible to count. Name a popular or not so popular group and chances are you'll find it somewhere in their history. The number has been estimated around 1,500.  The most popular of course is by the Kingsmen in 1955.

     Although loved and sung by many, the lyrics can still stump you.  The song is of course on all of the rankings lists and in all the halls of fame. There have even been Louie Louie parades and Louie Louie Day. Washington attempted to make it there state song which did not work out.

     In 1964 the FBI investigated a citizen's complaint of foul language in the lyrics.  After four months they determined it was a waste of time. Why can't people just enjoy music?