S.O.D. "Part of the Union"

12/14/2015     This folk rock/progressive rock band got their start in 1964 in England.  They took only one hiatus from 1980 to 82 and are still jamming. The five members that played on this studio track are still alive, amazing in itself.  

     In 2014 they released the album "Prognostic" and have been touring both acoustically and with power, adding a couple different members.  This tune made it to #2 on the UK charts and is their most popular single.  

     Over the years the band has gone a few different directions with their genres, including a style popular in the 30s called high society. For their album, "Bad Habits," more of a punk flavor was used.  When these guys first started out they were a bluegrass band known as the Strawberry Hill Boys.                                

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